Set up Your Arduino C Programming Environment |
Task | Resource | Comments |
Read Make: AVR Programming. |
or |
You really should read Chapter 2 of this book/document prior to setting up your environment with WinAVR from SourceForge.
Pay special attention to setting up your PATH environment variable. You can access it via: - right-click on This PC, choose Properties - click Advanced System Settings, choose Advanced tab then Environment Variables - click variable Path and then the Edit button if necessary to record your environment BEFORE installing the WinAVR toolchain. I didn't and subsequently some apps normally found in c:\windows\system32 were inaccessible unless I changed to that folder and ran them from there. The better fix was to add c:\windows\system32 back into the path and place it at the top. As an example, here is my final Path setup: |
Download WinAVR toolchain for Make: AVR Programming. | |
The toolchain download also includes a great code editor (Programmer's Notepad), and AVRDUDE for programming your ATmega328P microcontroller. I installed the toolchain in D:\WinAVR-20100110. I then deposited the book's files into D:\AVR-Programming-master. I wrote a tiny batch file called avr.bat in my home directory (C:\users\<yourname>) that simply changes directory to whatever folder I am currently working in. Example: d: cd .\*Organ* In this folder, d:\avr-programming-master\Chapter05_Serial-IO\serialOrgan, I "<CTRL> dragged" the Makefile so that it made a backup called Makefile-Copy. I then replaced the first 26 lines of Makefile with that of Make_Chunk.txt. You'll need to change the COM port in yours, though. With all of this out of the way, you can now simply run the following at the command line prompt: make flash This will compile serialOrgan.c into the serialOrgan.hex file that AVRDUDE will download to the ATmega328P to Flash it. The program will run automatically once the download is complete. |
Download project code for book Make: AVR Programming. | |
Click on the green CODE button, then choose Download ZIP. Read the file. |