Project 38:
AVR LED Dot Matrix



v1.0: Schematic, Board Layout, PCB Top


v1.0 Bill of Materials



v1.1: Schematic, Board Layout, PCB Top


v1.1 Bill of Materials



         Demo of v1.1 Breadboard Prototype


PCBs have been sent out for fabrication.



This design contains an AVR (Arduino UNO-compatible) microcontroller that displays date & time and temperature/humidity/barometric pressure on LED dot matrix modules.



v1.x: Adafruit Metro Mini 328 v2 with AliExpress_8x32_LED_Dot_Matrix_Module


Arduino Code:

This code supports one 8x32 display: LED_8x32_RTC_BME280_PIR.ino

This code supports two 8x32 displays using Parola's Zones feature: LED_8x32_RTC_BME280_PIR_Zones.ino






Updated 2024-11-30 @ 8am