Eagle CAD: 1. CPU, ROM, RAM

Eagle CAD: 2. Memory & UART Address Decode

Eagle CAD: 3. CPU Slow/Fast/Single-Step Clock

Eagle CAD: 4. UART, Serial FTDI, BT, RS232

Eagle CAD: 5. M62-bus Male Edge Bd. Connector

Eagle CAD: 6. Possible PCB Layout

(Bill of Materials)
PLEASE NOTE: I do not sell
production boards. If you would like to buy an M62 Z80 system board/parts kit,
contact Peter Murray,
I simply provide you with information to build
your own breadboard computer.
2020-01-14 This
board will be going out soon for fabrication. Use at your own risk
until I have fully tested it.
is the third version of the M62-bus Z80 single board computer, and
it contains a few new requested features including ROM/RAM Bank
Switching developed by
Peter Murray
New Features
Slow-Fast CPU clock has been implemented. With a single jumper (SV1), you
can switch between a fast (4MHz) CPU clock and a variable one that
ranges from 1Hz to about 100Hz. This can be very helpful when
testing new expansion hardware or code.
In addition to the CPU clock speed, single-stepping the CPU has
been included.
This SBC uses two crystal oscillators: one for the CPU and one for
the UART. As such, any comm speed up to 115,200bps is possible. BIOS
v1.2.3 is defaulted to a speed of 19,200bps. If you wish to step it up, you'll
need to modify line 24 of 16c550uart.asm before you assemble
The FTDI-USB connector SV2 is a right-angle female receptacle that
points to the left side of the board. This is assumed to be the back
of the rack/cage. You still have the choice of FTDI/USB or
Bluetooth/USB, but not both at the same time.
Peter Murray
39k.ca has devised a bank switching scheme to make more
memory available onboard.
How much memory does SBC v3 have?
512KB ROM and
512KB RAM chips are installed (the chips are currently the market
cheapest). Normally only a total of 64KB would be available to the Z80 CPU due
to its 16-bit address bus and 8-bit data bus design. In SBC3, you
have access to a total of 1MB with
ROM & RAM switching.
How does the bank switching work?
write $00 to the block you wish to use for ROM, $01 to the block you
wish to use for RAM.
If we write $00 to I/O $00, this will select ROM for Bank_0;
this is the RESET default. If the ROM occupies 4KB of code, then the
remaining 12KB of Bank_0 ROM goes unused. (Bank_0 to Bank_3 each
contain 16KB of the system 64KB.)
If we write $01 to I/O $00, this will select RAM for Bank_0
instead of ROM.
That means we'll need to first copy the contents of ROM into
Bank_1 RAM before we switch Bank_0 to RAM, then copy Bank_1 RAM
to Bank_0 RAM. Our BIOS is at the same ROM location ($0000) as before
but it's now in RAM. This frees up about 12KB of Bank_0 for RAM that
would normally have not been available to our programs.
In summary, when we write $00 to I/O $00 (ROM-RAM),
this will select the 16KB block at position 0K as ROM; $01 at
$00 for RAM.
We can also address each FAxx address line (FA14 to FA18) as a
16KB block of ROM or RAM.

32 x 16K = 512KB RAM
32 x 16K = 512KB ROM
That's a lot of memory!
How did we get here?
may have built the single board computer design using the following circuits
from the
Circuits Index page:
System Clock
Serial Communication
you may be breadboarding using the up-to-date schematics in the left
will need to program the ROM with
either the ROM Monitor or ROM BIOS v1.2.3 programs so you can communicate to the SBC via TeraTerm PC
terminal emulation software.
What's next?
would probably like to produce or buy a PCB onto which you could solder
sockets and parts. You could then transfer the breadboard ICs to the
SBC PCB. Once completed and tested you would have your own working
Z80 computer. The depopulated breadboards you used to build the SBC could be
recycled to build your next project, maybe a flashy
Bus Monitor Board or Console Board with VGA video and PS/2 keyboard
How do I power my SBC?
the mini-USB power plug or a powered backplane.
want to build a number of the peripheral boards. How would I
interconnect them to the SBC?
about an M62-bus
powered multi-slot backplane?
see the schematics. Where is the Bill of Materials parts list?
BOM is at the bottom of the adjacent panel.
How big is the SBC and what will the printed circuit board look like?
SBC PCB measures 100mm x 150mm (4"W x 6"H). Click on the
adjacent thumbnail to see a possible parts layout.
Note: M62 Bus is copyrighted by Peter
Murray of Murray Electronics,
http://www.39k.ca |