How do I know the Logic Analyzer is working properly?
is the Z80 assembly code for
Test_LA.asm. As you can see, it's
very simple and should display well in your logic analyer:
.org $4000
0002 4000
0003 4000 3E 01
Top: ld a,1
0004 4002 3C
inc a
0005 4003 C3 00 40
Bottom: jp Top
up and run the program
Test_LA.bin at location $4000, then
perform an Instant capture with the DSLogic Plus logic analyzer.
Your results should resemble those of this screenshot; you can see
the program run twice:

How do I setup the DSLogic-Plus DSView application?
can start by following this text guide verbatim:
DSView v1.01 User Guide, too, in
case you need it.
the Z80/ATtiny circuit works:
When an OUT instruction
is sent to I/O address $34, a low signal is sent out IC1's pin 6 to
IC6's input pin 5 (Arduino D0).
the second adjacent screenshot, IC6
microcontroller is continually polling input
for a low-going signal. When received, the corresponding tone/melody
is sent out IC6's pin 6 (Arduino D1) to the piezo speaker/magnetic
buzzer circuit; this should
play a tone/melody once. Also, blue LED4 should be illuminated.
CTC is configured such that every time it receives an input on CH3
from CH2 - every 10 seconds - it decrements a counter of 6. When the
counter reaches zero, an
interrupt is triggered that causes the Z80 CPU to execute an
interrupt service routine (ISR) at $0038 which sends an OUT
instruction to address $34 that has been labeled
This is the
Arduino C++ code that polls the microcontroller pin for
low-going signals and plays the brief tone/melody:

If you wish the tone to play quicker, change
the statements "delay(250)" to something smaller, like maybe 25ms
instead of 250ms.
Question: How do I program an ATtiny85?
a) Download the Arduino IDE (integrated
development environment).
b) Configure an Arduino Uno as an ATtiny
c) Breadboard the Arduino ATtiny85
microcontroller to attach to the Arduino Uno.
d) Use the Uno to upload a Bootloader to the
ATtiny, then upload a test sketch like Blink
e) Once you're certain all is well, load the
adjacent sketch
CTC_60s.ino and run it. Now
your ATtiny is "permanently" configured to play the tone when it
receives a control signal specified in the Z80 assembly program.
This is a bit of work if you are new to Arduino
so I've include a document entitled
Program_an_ATtiny85.txt that you can follow
verbatim to make the job easier.
Here's a link that can also be very helpful:
High-Low Tech.
And here's an Arduino link for programming the
ATmega328 chip: |