On the previous page we setup:
- environment constants -
Interrupt Vector Table config
Now we'll
add the assembly code to configure the Write registers.
The WR2 register is in channel B, not in
channel A. That is why we sent the command to use "E0" as the start
of our IVT to channel B control instead of to channel A control. You
can find this at line 116.
Further down in the code you'll see two
separator lines that border two code chunks; they are the same
instructions except that the upper chunk is for channel B and the
lower chunk is for channel A.
Why? Good question. According to
page 280 , even though we are
not using channel B (you can see that we reset it in the next code
chunk that follows), we had to do it this way because the "Status
Affects Vector" function is in the B channel register. That is, the vector provided by the SIO/2 UART to the Z80 CPU would read "E0", not "EC" if a character
was received.